Hi, I wanted to give my blogging friends an update on what has been going on at our house. Nancy got sick on Tuesday night and I called the Doctor at mid-night. I had to take her into the office the next morning and she had a temp. of 103.6 she could not urinate and she thew up black bile while she was there. Also her blood pressure was 78/40.
The Doctor thought she was Septic and she was and he sent us to the hospital. At first she was in a room upstairs but real soon she needed to be in ICU but there where no beds available. The hospital is packed.
Nancy had to be in the post op. room the first night and then over to another place in that room and then into ICU. It could have gone either way but Praise God she began to make urine on Wednesday!!
Today, her blood pressure is normal she has no fever she is really making urine. She does have to have a blood transfusion this morning. Karen is with her this morning. I have been staying 12 to 14 hours a day and the girls said I had to rest this morning. I will go back up at noon.
This is from her tooth that they didn't want to take out because of the lupus. Please pray that the Doctors and us will have wisdom and know what to do about her teeth. Taking them out will cause major problems with her lupus, but this one tooth will have to come out.
One of her Dr's said it was amazing that she had recovered so quickly. She didn't call it a miracle but amazing.Thanks for your prayers.
36 Amazing Photos From the Set of “Cujo” (1983)
*Cujo* (1983) is a horror film based on Stephen King's 1981 novel of the
same name. It was directed by Lewis Teague and stars Dee Wallace, Danny
Pintauro, ...
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