Hello on Friday afternoon! Kelly worked this morning but she drove the riding mower over to Karen's house to get her lawn mowed. We priced little trailers that you can drive your riding lawn mower up on to and hook up to your car or truck. Who would know how expensive these small ones cost!!! Eye opener for this Grandma!!!! So Kelly drives the mower over to Karen's!!
I think Kelly said we will grill out at Karen's this evening. Sounds good to me!! and the best thing is I HAVE my own computer and I don't have to post from Karen's house!! She doesn't mind at all, but is is easier from your own computer and home!!
The nurse was here on Wednesday but she wanted to check my blood pressure this morning so she stopped by for a few minutes. It was a little high 180/80. But after she left and I put my medicine away I discovered I had forgotten to take my meds last night at bedtime! oops!!
I better watch this closer! I am so careful with Nancy's meds!
Well, I hear a lawn mower driving in the drive way so Kelly is home and will be thirsty hot and tired!
I haven't updated about the weight lost for a long time. Karen has now lost 132 pounds!! Kelly
has lost 72 pounds and when my missionary daughter saw Karen's picture she was blown away with her success and gave up gluten and sugar and in two months has lost 32 pounds!
I lost between 15 or 17 pounds depending on who's scales I am on..... I like Kelly's the best! LOL! Hers are right and agree with our Dr's!